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The College of Law was founded in October 1998, and has two departments, Department of Law and Department of Financial and Economic Law. The National Chung Cheng University Executive Master Of Laws (E.LL.M.) was created in 2021.

The Graduate Institute of Law at National Chung Cheng University was founded in 1992. The Department of Law was established one year later. The main goal of both the Graduate Institute and the Department is to enhance the quality of legal research and legal education in southern Taiwan. The major research fields in the Graduate Institute and Department include civil law, criminal law, commercial law, business law, labor law, social law, and administrative law. In order to train a variety of legal professionals, in 1999 the Department of Law was divided into three different Programs – Comparative Law, Financial and Economic Law, and Legal Institutions. In the same year, the Graduate Institute founded the E.LL.M. Program (Executive Master of Law) for the purpose of combining legal research and legal practice, providing opportunities for advanced legal study to people working in various fields. The Graduate Institute of Financial and Economic Law was instituted in 2000, with the aim of promoting academic research in those fields. In the same year, the Department of Law established a doctoral program. In 2002, the Program in Financial and Economic Law and the Graduate Institute of Financial and Economic Law were merged into an independent unit.

In response to the high demands for economic and financial law, in 2002 National Chung Cheng University separated the Division of Economic and Financial Law from the Department of Law and established the Department of Economic and Financial Law. It was expected that in combination with the existing Graduate Institute of Economic and Financial Law, the establishment of the new department could form a complete education and research system on economic and financial law to educate experts that have professional knowledge in economic and financial law. Therefore, in addition to traditional basic law courses, our department (graduate institute) lays emphasis on four important areas: (1) business law, (2) international economic law, (3) intellectual property rights law, and (4) taxation law to respond to the needs of the government and the private sectors and respond to the problems of local and international economic and financial law which may arise in the wake of international competition pressures after Taiwan is acceded into WTO so as to elevate the ability of Taiwan government and enterprises to complete in international markets. It is also our expectation to go in step with economic and financial law in advanced countries. Currently our department (graduate institute) has nine full-time teachers, including six professors, two associate professors, and one assistant professor, all of whom have a doctorate and whose specialties cover Constitutional law, commercial law, economic and financial law, intellectual property law, international trade law, and international economic law. When our undergraduate students graduate with a degree, they and graduate students are eligible to sit in the judge qualification exam, the bar exam, and other national exams.


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