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Urgent information to everyone on CCU campus

A CCU student was diagnosed with Covid-19 on April 6 (Wednesday), all CCU faculty and staff members, students, university suppliers and subcontractors, please comply with the epidemic prevention measures to ensure the healthy status.

The university has received a notification from local health bureau tonight (4/6) that one of our students was confirmed with Covid-19 infection by PCR screening. The student has respiratory symptoms when the person was diagnosed and is currently hospitalized. The university has immediately activated the epidemic prevention mechanism to investigate the footprints of the student, and immediately arranged the cleaning and disinfection conducts on the campus, when the information was delivered to the university. Tomorrow (4/7) morning, from 8:30 am to 10:00 am, the CCU student activity center will be cleared for disinfection for the entire building. Except for working staff, please do not enter the building to ensure the health and safety of the campus environment.

According to the epidemic investigation, the confirmed student did not attend any classes at the university during the spring break. However, the requirement for students who are possibly classified to be home quarantined, due to the past in-contact situation in classes with the confirmed student, will be announced or given out a notice by the Office of Academic Affairs soon later.

For those who have been in contact with the confirmed student and asked to stay at home, please refer to the leaflet <What Should I Do, If I Have Been Exposed With Confirmed Covid-19 Case?> of the Central Epidemic Command Center, and take appropriate epidemic prevention and management measures. Even at home, please wear a mask, wash your hands frequently, and maintain social distance. If the environment at home allows, please use the room and bathroom equipment alone, do not share meals with your family and take your body temperature in the morning and evening, pay attention to changes in your health status, and seek medical attention as soon as possible if you feel unwell.

Other teachers, staff members and students who have concerns about the previous contact with the confirmed case should also take self-health monitoring measures. In addition to wearing masks, washing hands frequently, taking body temperature and other measures, please reduce outdoor activities as much as possible, avoid going to crowded public areas, and pay attention to changes in health conditions. If you have any health concerns, you may purchase a COVID-19 rapid test kit for a quick self-screening.

CCU teachers, staff members and students are urged to raise their awareness of epidemic prevention. If you receive a call from the health unit or a cell text message reminding you to be subjected to a screening test, please be sure to follow the regulations of the health unit to protect yourself and others. If there is a confirmed diagnosis, please report it to the university immediately (to CCU Health Center on phone extension 12345 or to CCU School Safety Center on 2721114), so that the university can carry out care and hygiene education.

Regarding the university’s regulations on epidemic prevention, if you have any questions, please contact CCU Health Center on ext. 12345.

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