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Alert from CCU Epidemic Prevention Team, April 21, 2022


Alert from CCU Epidemic Prevention Team, April 21, 2022
A CCU student was diagnosed with COVID-19 on April 19 (Tuesday), all CCU faculty, staff, students, university suppliers and subcontractors, please comply with the epidemic prevention measures to ensure healthy status

本校4/19接獲校內單位通報,一名學生經PCR採檢確診。學校接獲訊息的同時,立刻啟動防疫機制,瞭解該生無校內足跡,但因應防疫需要立即安排其密切接觸者校園足跡的清潔消毒,相關密切接觸者經衛生單位匡列管理,其他接觸者已個別通知,並自我健康監測至5/4 24:00。

On April 19, the university was notified that a student had been confirmed with the virus by PCR screening. CCU immediately activated the epidemic prevention mechanism when received the information, and at the same time found no evidence that the student had been engaged in any activities on CCU campus recently. However, by following the necessary epidemic prevention measures to ensure the campus safety, the university also immediately arranged the cleaning and disinfection for the footprints of the close contacts of the confirmed student. The relevant close contacts were all listed and managed by the health authority. Other contacts had also been well-informed individually and required to do self-health monitoring until the mid-night of May 04.


Owing to the alarming epidemic situation in Taiwan, and the need to disseminate the epidemic prevention information on campus more efficiently, the university has set up a specific page at the CCU COVID-19 information website for the “confirmed cases” for CCU faculty, staff and students to receive relevant updated information.


Since April 15, lots of people have been diagnosed with COVID-19. Particularly in recent period of time, the number of confirmed cases has exceeded 1,000 for several consecutive days. With the epidemic continuing to spread, the number of confirmed cases by the end of the month may climb to 10,000. Therefore, in order to reduce the infectious risks, CCU president has given the instructions requiring all meetings to be proceeded online from now on.


Any faculty, staff or students who have concerns about the previous contact with the confirmed case are advised to take self-health monitoring measures. In addition to wearing masks, washing hands frequently, taking body temperature regularly and other measures, please as well reducing outdoor activities, avoiding going to crowded public areas, and paying attention to changes in own health conditions. If you have any further health concerns, you may purchase a COVID-19 rapid test kit for a quick self-screening. And for faculty, staff and students who have not yet been fully vaccinated, please complete the three-doses-injection as soon as possible to ensure your own safety.


For other details of the precaution on COVID-19, please check up the attached information:
< What should I do, if I am the Close Contact of Confirmed COVID-19 Case?> and <What should I do, If I have exposed with the Close Contacts of Confirmed COVID-19 Case?>.


All CCU faculty, staff and students are urged to raise the awareness of epidemic prevention. If you have received a call from the health unit or a cell text message reminding you to be subjected to a screening test, please be sure to follow the required procedure to protect yourself and others. If there is a confirmed diagnosis, please report it to the university immediately (to CCU Health Center on phone extension 12345 or to CCU University Safety Center on 2721114), so that the university can carry out care and hygiene education.



發布時間  /  2022-04-22 14:01:48

資料來源  /  副校長室

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