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Announcement from CCU Epidemic Prevention Team, April 20, 2022

In response to the rapid rise of the COVID-19 epidemic in Taiwan, the university has implemented some epidemic prevention measures as the passage described below, any changes will be further notified in the future announcements.

1. The timing and the scope when activates the distance learning system.
Being in line with the instructions on "the criteria for suspending in-person classes when there is an outbreak of COVID-19 on campus" from the Ministry of Education (MOE) delivered on April 13, 2022, the general affairs meeting of CCU Epidemic Prevention Team and the 499th CCU administrative meeting that jointly held on April 13, 2022, have come up with the resolutions summarized in the following information.

(1) 確診個案授課/修課之班級,以及確診個案參與社團、搭乘交通車、同住宿舍、餐廳用餐等活動足跡之接觸人員,實施遠距教學3天,人員應進行自我健康監測,環安中心進行環境清潔消毒。
(1) Everyone in the in-person classes taught or attended by the person confirmed with COVID-19, and anyone who may have been exposed with the virus in the footprints of the confirmed case associating with classes, clubs, transportation, shared dormitory rooms, dining areas, etc., are subjected to the distance learning for three days and taking self-health monitoring measures. Meanwhile, the CCU Environmental Hygiene and Safety Center (EHS) will immediately conduct cleaning and disinfection measures on the campus.
Further changes in conditions addressed as:

(a) 確診個案授課/修課班級無被匡列為「密切接觸者」,恢復實體課程。
(b) 確診個案授課/修課班級有被匡列為「密切接觸者」:
(a) The classes taught or attended by the confirmed case shall be reinstated into face-to-face status if no one in the class is identified as "the close contact".

(b) If anyone in classes taught or attended by the confirmed case is identified as "the close contact", the prevention measures will be proceeded as:

˙The close contact shall be home-quarantine and receive screening test for COVID-19.

--If the close contact tested negative for COVID-19, the classes taught or attended by the confirmed case shall be reinstated into face-to-face status.

--If the close contact tested positive for COVID-19, the registration and investigation process for confirmed case will be enforced.

(2) 超過1/3的教學/行政單位(亦即超過19個單位)有確診個案」或「密切接觸者」則全校暫停實體課程10天,改為遠距教學,全體教職員工生應進行「自我健康監測」。
(2) If more than one-third of the academic and administration departments, i.e., more than 19 units are reported to have the "confirmed cases" or "the close contacts," the university will stop all in-person classes and start delivering the online classes for 10 days. All CCU faculty, staff and students should also conduct "self-health monitoring" during this time period.

2. 本校公費快篩劑使用時機
(1) 本校向教育部申請防疫經費購置之快篩劑,主要用於境外生緊急採檢或校內出現確診者,其密切接觸者不便自行購置快篩劑時,本組則會提供之並造冊。
(2) 本校各單位如有使用快篩劑之需求,以自行購置備用為宜。
(3) 依據2022年4月16日中央疫情指揮中心指揮官陳時中所公佈的4個快篩時機,包括曾去確診足跡熱區、接觸確診者、前往人潮眾多場所、與確診者足跡重疊等,都可到指定診所掛號領取公費快篩。教職員工生如有上述狀況,建議可前往指定醫療院所掛號領取。
2. The timing of using the public funded CCU COVID-19 rapid test kits

(1) The CCU COVID-19 rapid test kits funded by the Ministry of Education (MOE) are mainly used for emergency testing for students returned from overseas, or for the identified close contacts who are not able to have the access to rapid test kits on their own. The persons who require the service shall register with CCU Epidemic Prevention Team.

(2) All CCU academic departments or administration units should be self-responsible if there is any need for COVID-19 rapid test kits.

(3) According to the announcement on four timings for COVID-19 rapid test made by commander Shih-Chung Chen of the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) on April 16, 2022, those who have been exposed with the confirmed cases, visited the hotspots in the footprints of the confirmed cases, been in the crowded places or had an overlap with the footprints of the confirmed cases, are eligible to receive the free rapid COVID-19 home test kits from clinics approved by the Government. Any CCU faculty, staff and students who have gone through any of the above situations, is advised to register with these medical facilities to require for a home test kit.

3. 本校環境清消原則
(1) 本校如有確診者(校內人員)足跡,根據疫調結果,會先委外進行環境的清消,範圍包括確診者活動場域,如:上班地點、日常活動空間、上課教室(研究室或實驗室)、住宿生居住的寢室(連同宿舍活動的公共區域)等。
(2) 本校如有確診者(校外人員)足跡,根據衛生單位通知,亦會進行環境清消。
(3) 本校出現居家隔離人員,如有進入校園,將配合疫調結果進行相關足跡的預防性清消。
3. CCU environment cleaning and disinfection policy

(1) If any evidence shows that the campus has been exposed with the confirmed case of CCU faculty, staff or students, based on the contact investigation from the university, the university will first outsource suitable professionals to conduct the cleaning and disinfection on the campus, covering all related areas to the confirmed cases such as the workplaces, daily activity spaces, classrooms (including research rooms and laboratories), dormitory room of the confirmed case as well as its relevant public social areas, etc.

(2) If there are footprints of confirmed cases from members other than CCU faculty, staff or students found in the university, based on the contact investigation from the governmental health authority, the campus will be cleaned and disinfected accordingly.

(3) Any of the self-quarantining members discovered to have entered CCU campus, the university will conduct the preventive disinfection measures in accordance with the relevant footprints investigation.

4. 籲請師生注意提高防疫警覺心,如有接到衛生單位聯絡或是提醒篩檢的細胞簡訊等,請務必依衛生單位規定辦理,保護自己也保護他人。如有發生確診狀況,請主動回報學校(衛保組,分機12345或校安中心2721114),以便學校進行關懷及衛生教育。
4. All CCU faculty, staff, and students are urged to raise the awareness of epidemic prevention. If you have received a call from the health unit or a cell text message reminding you to be subjected to a screening test, please make sure to follow the required procedure to protect yourself and others. If there is a confirmed diagnosis, please report it to the university immediately (to CCU Health Center on phone extension 12345 or to CCU University Safety Center on 2721114), so that the university can carry out care and hygiene education.


發布時間  /  2022-04-24 12:35:40

資料來源  /  副校長室

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